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Writer's pictureAriel Currant

You Are A Phoenix And You Will Rise From These Ashes

originally published on Puckermob

“Often it’s the deepest pain which empowers you to grow into your highest self.”

You are strong and brave and resilient. Whatever life is handing you right now, you will get through it – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Anyone. This world is constantly going to test you, push you to your limits and place you on the verge of breaking down. I can almost guarantee that. But you have got to keep your head high even when you are shattering piece by piece on the inside.

I know you have wanted to just let go and let the world win. You’ve hurt in ways you never thought you could hurt before. You’ve felt broken beyond repair and imprisoned in your own mind.

Your heart has been broken and you’ve cried enough tears to fill the oceans five times over. The pain you’ve felt is nauseating.

“But once all the tears dried and the pain washed away and the laughter started again, that’s when you were reborn” – stronger and wiser.

That’s when you can take a deep breath as your soul quietly prepares you for the next battle.

Because you are going to absolutely fall apart in this world again. Maybe even more than once.

Your heart is going to be broken many times by lovers who carelessly handle your heart.

Your friends are going to let you down and betray you even when they swore they wouldn’t. And people are going to talk shit behind your back.

You are going to lose people through death and through circumstance. You are going to carry weights too heavy for your soul to bear. You are going to watch dreams fade away while you try to chase after them.

You will be scared and traumatized and broken.

You are going to scream “why” more times than you will be able to count while sobbing on your bathroom floor.

But in the end, how beautiful will it be to stand up proud and say, “I survived.”

I let them betray me, burn me, defeat me, insult me, injure me and abandon me. I let them tear me limb from limb, flesh from bone until I wasn’t recognizable even to myself. But I am here now. I overcame.

I let the world drag me through its chamber of excruciating sadness, but I woke up alive and burning bright.

That’s when you will become a brilliant Phoenix and the world will see your light.

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